St. Peter's Catholic Primary School Following in Jesus' footsteps, we live, love and learn together as a school family to build a better world.
Have a wonderful summer everyone!

Welcome to Year 3

The Year 3 Staff

3ED is taught by Mrs Davis Monday to Thursday with Mrs Martin every Friday and 3CE is taught by Miss Evans. Mrs Martin also teaches us every Thursday when either Miss Evans or Mrs Davis has their PPA time.

Mrs Turley and Miss Moth support our Y3 children.  


What does our week look like?

Monday starts with our ‘lolly places.’ Every Monday, children’s names are randomly selected so they sit with a new learning partner. 

English, Maths and spellings are taught every day. Reading or phonics catch up sessions are taught 3 times a week.   P.E. takes place each Friday morning. Children come to school wearing their P.E. kit on the day that they have P.E.

In Year 3 we have homework each week.  Spellings and homework will be available online on DB Primary. Children have their own log ins and should check every week. DB Primary can be accessed on a laptop, tablet or mobile phone.  In preparation for the Y4 Times Table test, we have a Times Table test on a Friday on specific tables. Your child will be told which times table they need to practise. Children can log in to Times Table Rockstars with their individual log in to support this learning.

Children take home a school reading book matched to their reading level.  They can change their reading book on a Tuesday and Friday morning. Each week, children should aim to read their home reading book every week night for 20 minutes and parents/carers are asked to rewrite a comment in their home reading book.  Every child has a reading book mark with questions on it.  These questions are to support parents/carers in asking your child questions about what they have read. Children need to bring their reading book and reading record into school every day.

Useful websites:  Log in for DB Primary for your child to access class information, year group information and whole school information. Times tables Rock Stars. Each child has their own log in.  Lots of times tables videos/songs/moves.

Rock Star logins. Practising their times tables is part of their weekly homework expectation.

Summer Term Topic Web - Ancient Egypt