St. Peter's Catholic Primary School Following in Jesus' footsteps, we live, love and learn together as a school family to build a better world.
Have a wonderful summer everyone!

Welcome to Year 5

The Year 5 Staff

The Year 5 teachers are: Ms Bobat in 5FB and Mr Dowling in 5MD. Our teaching assistants are: Ms Andrews, Miss Ellis and Mrs James. Mrs Daniell will be teaching in 5FB and Mrs Bate in 5MD every other Thursday covering PPA, where they will be teaching the children Spanish, Music and Computing!
This term is another exciting history-led topic. Come Meet The Maya!
Children will learn all about The Maya, who lived in an area known as Mesoamerica between 250 and 900 AD. This is a fascinating and popular topic in KS2 as they will enjoy learning about how The Maya used their intelligence and knowledge of astronomy and mathematics to devise calendars, how they cultivated cocoa and maize and all about Mayan kings who were at war with each other a lot (often over gifts and prisoners, who they would sacrifice to Mayan Gods!) 
PE will now be on Fridays. Please ensure your child comes to school in the correct PE uniform. 
Children take home a school reading book, which they can change on a Monday and Thursday. Each week, children should aim to read their home reading book every week night – at least 20 minutes! Children can also choose a class reading book from the class shelf and have opportunities to read in school every day. Children also have been given Times Tables Rock Star logins. Practicing their times tables is part of their weekly homework expectation.
Spellings and homework will all be available online on DB Primary. Children have their own log ins and should check every weekday. DB Primary can be accessed on a laptop, tablet or mobile phone. Please ensure your children take the time to complete their homework during the week. Your support and encouragement is always valued.
A new spelling rule is introduced on a Monday and various spelling activities in school are then completed in the week, ready for an application activity on Friday. English homework is also set on a Monday and Maths on a Tuesday.
Our doors are always open for you! If you need to speak to any of the Y5 staff, you can catch us at the beginning or end of the school day. Alternatively, you can ring the office to arrange a meeting at a convenient time.
Our class novel this term linked to our English: 
This is a wonderful story about a girl, Lilian Kaye, who finds a parcel on her grandad's doorstep. She is shocked to see who sent it: a famous Egyptologist, found dead that very morning, according to every newspaper in England!
The mysterious package holds the key to a story . . . about a king whose tomb archaeologists are desperately hunting for.
Lil and her friends must embark on an incredible journey - to return the package to its resting place, to protect those they love, and to break the deadly pharaoh's curse . . .

Topic Web - Summer Term – Mayans

Please click on the image below to open as a PDF document.

Useful websites:  Log in for DB Primary for your child to access class information, year group information and whole school information. Times tables Rock Stars. Each child has their own log in.  Lots of times tables videos/songs/moves.  Really useful site which provides information and resources suitable for children. The new Oak National Academy launched during lockdown earlier in 2020, there are many useful lessons and activities to supplement learning. A useful website for maths and English games.