St. Peter's Catholic Primary School Following in Jesus' footsteps, we live, love and learn together as a school family to build a better world.
Have a wonderful summer everyone!

Welcome to Year 2

The Year 2 Staff

In Year 2, our teachers are Mrs MacDonald and Mrs Sellers and Mrs Williams. We are lucky to have two fantastic Teaching Assistants who will work across both classes; Mrs Parsons every morning and Miss Ellis in the afternoons.

2KM are very lucky to have their PPA and management time covered by Mrs Lowe every Wednesday and 2SW are very lucky to cover the class between themselves.


What Our Week Looks Like

Year 2 parents and carers are welcome to come in to class for our Early Morning Task each day from 8:30am and stay until 8:45am when we begin the day together with a prayer. This is a very good time to talk to your child's class teacher if you ever have any messages, questions or concerns about your child's learning. If you are unable to stay during Early Morning Task, then please do not hesitate to speak to your child's class teacher or another member of the Year Two team at home time and we will always be happy to help in whatever way we can.

In Year 2 we have homework each week, it will either be a Reading, Maths or Handwriting task to complete. During the term, word and spelling challenges will appear. They are to challenge conversation and support spelling patterns. Homework will be given out on a Monday and must be completed and given in by Friday.

We take home and read our reading books every night. Books are changed on Mondays and Thursdays. It is very important that the books have been read through twice to fully develop our fluent reading of any tricky words and develop our comprehension of the text too. Everyone should be using their yellow Y2 reading bookmark to help with this as it has key question stems to help you think about the book more deeply. Please ensure Reading Records are in daily. We will endeavour to sign and chat to as many children daily about their reading at home as well as listen to children read throughout the day either with their reading book or another text in class lessons.

2KM have PE every Wednesday and 2SW have PE every Thursday.

Outside each classroom there is a welly boot rack ready to be used. Everyone needs to have their welly boots named and in school for some OPaL fun every lunchtime as well as during our weekly Forest School sessions with Mrs Sysum. On Wednesday 2SW go to Forest School and 2KM go on Thursday.

We are looking forward to having a great year together!

2018 Key Stage 1 tests (Video)

Summer Topic Web - Significant Figures in History