St. Peter's Catholic Primary School Following in Jesus' footsteps, we live, love and learn together as a school family to build a better world.
Open Sessions for Reception New Starters in 2025 - Tuesday 22nd October at 10am, Thursday 14th November at 2pm and Wednesday 20th November at 5pm

Religious Education (R.E.)

Religious Education at St Peter's

This year we have started a new RE curriculum because of the release of long awaited New Religious Educational Directory. 
This new curriculum will ensure that there is a greater fluency between EYFS children all the way through to students at secondary level. This is  a huge change and we are working very closely with the LWCET and Clifton Diocese to ensure all of our children receive the very best Religious Education.
The amount of time your children are spending learning about RE has not changed but our topic titles and some of the content for each year group has. As the new curriculum is being released a year group at a time we have decided to combine year groups so that our children are prepared for when their curriculum is released. 
This means currently;
EYFS have their own planned curriculum
Key Stage 1 are learning the same content.
Year 3 have their own planned curriculum
and Year 4, 5 and 6 are also doing the same.
Over the year, all children in all year groups will learn Liturgically through 6 different branches with the 6th branch linking to other faiths. These branches are:
Creation and Covenant
Prophesy and Promise
Galilee to Jerusalem
Desert to Garden
To The Ends of the Earth
Dialogue and Encounter