St. Peter's Catholic Primary School Following in Jesus' footsteps, we live, love and learn together as a school family to build a better world.
Have a wonderful summer everyone!

Useful Links

St Peter's Catholic Church Gloucester

St Peter's is situated in the heart of the historic city of Gloucester and serves not only the immediate city centre area, but also some of the suburbs and surrounding countryside. Also as the 'Mother Church' of the area it often has had a major role in the lives of many of the Catholics in our city.

St Peters High School & Sixth Form

The school has recently received the formal report from OfSTED following their inspection in February 2009. They said St Peter's is an outstanding school. It is a school with ambition and drive. Two of the most striking things about the school are students' exemplary behaviour in lessons and their excellent attitudes to learning. St Peter's students are mature, friendly and polite.

St Peter's Under Fives

St Peter's Under Fives also run a Breakfast Club from 7.15am each morning and an After School Club each evening once school finishes, children over the age of 3 years are welcome to attend at an extra cost. For more details click on this link.

Glos Community Information

The Gloucester Partnership brings together partners from the public sector, private sector and the voluntary and community sector, who are all interested in improving social, economic and environmental aspects of Gloucester.


Enables you to pay for school dinners, trips, clubs and other items securely online.


School Closure

Should the school have to close in an emergency or due to extreme weather we will notify you via our school website, Facebook and Twitter accounts and on the GCC website: 


SAT Preparation

Please click here for some useful maths SAT resources .