St. Peter's Catholic Primary School Following in Jesus' footsteps, we live, love and learn together as a school family to build a better world.
Have a wonderful summer everyone!

Our Approach to Teaching Reading

At St. Peter's reading is taught through systematic synthetic phonics.  We follow the Letters and Sounds Programme, where the children are set accordingly to the phase they are working towards.  The children are screened at the end of year 1 and those children who do not meet the standard are retested at the end of year 2.

Our main reading scheme in Key Stage 1 is Bug Club and in Key Stage 2 it is Rigby Navigator and Badger.  In addition we have a variety of other books which complement these schemes:

  • KS1: Oxford Reading Tree, Rigby Rockets and Ginn
  • KS2: Ginn, Oxford, Oxford Treetops, Literacy Links Plus and Collins

Reading is also taught through planned Guided Reading sessions.  These occur daily in Key Stage 1 and at least 3 times in Key Stage 2, outside the literacy session and are based on a rotation during the week within the class.  Children are grouped according to ability and when not reading with the teacher, children are given a purposeful reading activity to do independently.